
A list of purchasable video licences

75 minutes

Open Yoga 04.05.22 – Bring it BACK (a practice for acknowledging your back strength)

Ah our poor backs, they only ever get our attention when they are feeling sore, niggly or downright awful. But your beautiful back is just as interesting a place to explore movement as is your front.  It can be tricky to ’embodied’ our back body as we cannot even really see it.  In this class we will use a sense of our muscles to help us better understand the strength and stability our backs can provide us. What to expect: a hatha inspired yoga class with optional flowing sequences, mindful strength and somatic movement explored and finishing with a trauma informed relaxation practice. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Medium strength resistance band (if available)
  • Two yoga bricks (or two hardcopy books)
  • A blanket


75 minutes

Open Yoga 20.04.22 – Taking a ‘Shore Leave’ (an embodied practice for creating more space/time)

How does your body let you know it is had enough?  What signals does it give you?  Maybe it’s tighter muscles, fatigue, less mobility?  You likely already know it’s important to listen in.  You likely already know it’s important to give your body the time it deserves?  But what if you don’t have all that time?  How can you find a little space, a tiny pause amongst the chaos?  Think of it a little like a shore leave, the action is still likely happening on some level within your body, but you can take a tiny moment away to create just enough space to listen in. What to expect: a hatha inspired yoga practice with optional flowing sequences, mindful strength and somatic practices included.  Followed by a brief relaxation practice. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Yoga strap (or long scarf)
  • Two yoga bricks (or a couple hardcopy books)


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 04.02.22: Building resilience through balance

In this practice we explore our way through the wobbles.  What better way to consider our own resilience than by remaining curious about the times we wobble.  How does wobbling act as a guide towards more stability.  Instead of shunning the missteps, the wobbles and the times we fall, let’s see what they might offer us in our practice! What to expect: gentle exploration of yoga postures, gentle mindful strength and a restorative sequence Suggested equipment:
  • yoga mat
  • two yoga bricks
  • yoga bolster or firm sofa cushion
  • several blankets



Open Yoga: Rebuilding by making choices

Part of our rebuilding series this class looks at finding ways to better make choices about how you want to move. Checking in with your body throughout your practice to see how your energy levels are, what your intentions are for this practice, how you might want to move. Choices are tough. And when we make choices during our own practice, we begin to build more body awareness. What to expect: a Hatha-inspired class with optional flowing sequences, some mindful strength and somatic movement sequences. Suggested equipment: Yoga mat Two yoga bricks A blanket


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 11.03.22: Rebuilding Your Foundation

This Yoga Gently class explores our relationship to the ground. In the second part of our series on rebuilding we are exploring how finding our foundation (the ground) can support us in moving forward. How can our relationship to the ground better help us establish where we are and where/how we might want to move. In this practice the support of the ground can act as uplift or place to return to, place of rebound or yield, place to for settling into or springing away from. The invitation in this class is to explore your own impulses as you meet the ground. What to expect: Gently yoga postures and movements and mindful strength followed by a restorative posture. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga Mat
  • Two bricks
  • Several  blankets
  • Cushion


75 minutes

Open Yoga 13.3.22: Rebuilding by remaining curious about instability

In our fourth class in the rebuilding series we’ll be exploring balance.  How can we seek out balance when things feel particular wobbly, how can we see the wobbles as clues and remain curious about how to better support them (rather than feel let down when we wobble).  This practice allows the opportunity to find balance in many ways – not simply standing still on one leg. What to expect: a Hatha-inspired yoga class with optional flowing sequences, mindful strength and somatic movement sequences.  Plenty of variation on offer. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Two yoga bricks (or hardcopy books)
  • A blanket


75 minutes

Open Yoga 23.03.22: Rebuilding from the centre out

In the fifth class of our rebuilding series we are looking at the relationship between our centre and our edges.  You will be invited to explore the communication between the centre of your body, out towards the edges to support finding strength, stability and more space.  The centre of the body is a complicated place and therefore to work there requires taking time, exploring a variety of movements and remaining curious. What to expect: a hatha-inspired yoga class with optional flowing sequences, mindful strength and somatic movement practices.  Plenty of variations offered. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Two yoga bricks (or two hard copy books)
  • A blanket


75 minutes

Restorative by Candlelight: Making Choices to Seek Out More Comfort

Make yourself extra cozy, switch the lighting low (or even light a few candles), it’s time for Restorative by Candlelight. In this month’s Restorative by Candlelight Ashley explores the possibility of making choices in our practice.  How can we use the invitation of a posture as a guide rather than a rule?  Would it be possible to allow yourself to feel even more comfortable in this restorative practice.  Sometimes a variation that a teacher offers might work better in your body at a specific moment.  Our practice is to continue to build our awareness of our bodies to better support our choice-making during practice.  Do I want an added blanket under my lower back or not?  Might my head need more support here?  Do I want to lay on my right or left side?  Listen in and see if your body gives you any clues as to how you might seek more comfort! What to expect: a restorative yoga practice, fully supported postures using props, periods of stillness, support in getting into and out of restorative postures and an extended savasana. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blankets (a nice big stack)
  • Cushions
  • Yoga bolster (or firm cushion)
  • Two Yoga Bricks (or sturdy hard copy books)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 08.03.22: Rebuilding Our Foundation

This Open Yoga class explores our relationship to the ground. In the second part of our series on rebuilding we are exploring how finding our foundation (the ground) can support us in moving forward. How can our relationship to the ground better help us establish where we are and where/how we might want to move. In this practice the support of the ground can act as uplift or place to return to, place of rebound or yield, place to for settling into or springing away from. The invitation in this class is to explore your own impulses as you meet the ground. What to expect: hatha-inspired yoga practice, some optional flowing sequences, mindful strength and somatic movement exploration. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga Mat
  • Two bricks
  • A blanket


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 04.03.22 – Rebuilding Strength

In this Yoga Gently class we continue to explore the theme of rebuilding.  With all the transition rebuilding is not about returning to the same us as ‘before’ but taking stock of where we are now and beginning to consider what we might want in the future – be it by the end of the class, the end of a movement sequence or perhaps the end of the year . . . In this class we focus on the various ways we can experience our muscles, looking to redefine what ‘muscle strength’ really is and means for us. What to expect: gentle yoga movements, gentle mindful strength sequences and restorative yoga postures. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Two bricks
  • Resistance band
  • blanket(s)
  • bolster (or firm cushions)


75 minutes

Open Yoga: 27.01.22 What Does Resistance Offer You in Your Practice?

In the fourth class in our series on building resilience we explore what bringing resistance into the body lends us.  When we move without resistance things might feel easy-breezy, that go with the flow sort of movement.  When we add resistance things get tougher, a bit grittier and perhaps make us face discomfort.  As we continue to consider how to make choices in our practice to find ways of moving that serve us where we are, this practice may add a little clarity.  When things get too tough, we are forced to stop – but can we find that place just before it is too much and then stay with it?  Perhaps . . . or perhaps we move away from a pattern/sequence altogether, finding a different pathway through the resistance. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga Mat
  • Blanket
  • Medium resistance band


75 minutes

Yoga Gently: 28.01.22 Building Resilience Through Resistance

In the fourth class in our series on building resilience we explore what bringing resistance into the body lends us.  When we move without resistance things might feel easy-breezy, that go with the flow sort of movement.  When we add resistance things get tougher, a bit grittier and perhaps make us face discomfort.  As we continue to consider how to make choices in our practice to find ways of moving that serve us where we are, this practice may add a little clarity.  When things get too tough, we are forced to stop – but can we find that place just before it is too much and then stay with it?  Perhaps . . . or perhaps we move away from a pattern/sequence altogether, finding a different pathway through the resistance. What to expect: A class with gentle yoga and somatic movement sequences, some gentle mindful strength practice (using a resistance band) and a restorative posture to finish. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Medium resistance band
  • Blanket(s)
  • Yoga bolster
  • Two yoga bricks


75 minutes

Open Yoga 18.01.22 – Slowing Down (part of the Building Resilience Series)

In this Open Yoga class we explore the somatic experiences of slowing down.  What arises in us when we are asked to stop, pause, move more slowly?  Is there resistance that comes forward?  Is there a desire for a different pace?  How to do we manage finding strength when there is more load over a longer time?  Can we be with our tendencies to either rush or stop entirely?  Which pace serves us best in our practice – in this moment . . . let’s find out! What to expect: a hatha-inspired yoga session with mindful strength elements and somatic explorations.  Some optional flowing sequences are invited. Suggested equipments:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks (or hard copy books)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 05.01.22: A Practice for Checking In (part of the building resilience series)

It’s a brand new year and all around us are messages that we need to change and become ‘more’ ‘better’ ‘fitter’ etc.  What if that weren’t the case?  What if you were pretty alright already?  What if the difference between the new year and the old year were just a few moments. Our practice is about welcoming what we meet each time we come to the mat.  Trying, as best we can, to find ways of moving that fit us right where we are; whether we are trying to feel flexibility or strength, relaxation or energised . . . it starts from knowing where we are now. Perhaps there is the possibility that there are plenty of times throughout the year (week, day, moment) to step through a doorway – to set intentions based on where we are right now. What to expect: a hatha-inspired yoga class with optional flowing sequences, with mindful strength and somatic movement practices interwoven. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks (or some hardcopy books)


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 07.01.22: New Year – Same Me! A Practice for Checking In

It’s a brand new year and all around us are messages that we need to change and become ‘more’ ‘better’ ‘fitter’ etc.  What if that weren’t the case?  What if you were pretty alright already?  What if the difference between the new year and the old year were just a few moments. Our practice is about welcoming what we meet each time we come to the mat.  Trying, as best we can, to find ways of moving that fit us right where we are; whether we are trying to feel flexibility or strength, relaxation or energised . . . it starts from knowing where we are now. Perhaps there is the possibility that there are plenty of times throughout the year (week, day, moment) to step through a doorway – to set intentions based on where we are right now. What to expect: a gentle movement practice, some standing yoga postures, followed by a restorative practice and savasana. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket (or blankets)
  • Two yoga bricks (or some hardcopy books)
  • Bolster or firm sofa cushion


75 minutes

Yoga Gently: Anandamaya Kosha practice 17.12.21

In this practice we explore the final layer of the kosha model – anandamaya kosha loosely translated as the ‘bliss’ layer.  There is something worth exploring here amongst the busy-ness and hustle of our everyday life, that this layer may be a part of us that is at peace, even amongst the outer stresses of life.  That there may be times in our practice when we catch brief glimpses of this state of being ‘ok’ or ‘enough.’  From an embodied anatomy perspective this layer might resemble something of cellular consciousness – the inner workings of the cells which require no effort from us. Expect a class of gentle movement followed by two restorative postures. Suggested equipment:
  • yoga mat
  • stack of blankets
  • yoga bricks x2
  • yoga bolster (if you have one)
  • a yoga strap


75 minutes

Open Yoga: Annamaya kosha connecting to our muscle body

In this practice we will be exploring the anandamaya kosha through embodying our muscles.  Muscles can often be seen as the ‘doing’ aspect of moving – and they very much are.  But there are also many muscles which do not require us to ‘active’ them in order for them to support our movement.  We will use this exploration of the muscle body to draw us deeper into this layer of our ‘self.’ Suggested equipment
  • yoga mat
  • blanket
  • yoga brick
  • resistance band


75 minutes

Yoga Gently: Annamaya kosha, connecting to our muscle body

In this class we explore our muscles – not simply as a place of action/doing and ‘strength’ but also as a connection to the places in our body where muscle asks nothing of us – that they do without us having to ‘activate’ anything consciously.  Being with muscle can about more than lifting heavy things or stretching. Suggested equipment
  • yoga mat
  • blankets
  • chair (or edge of some sturdy furniture)
  • resistance band


75 minutes

Yoga Gently: Pranamaya kosha practice, using breath to support movement

In this practice we will be using an awareness of breath to find more support for movement and postures. There is no right way to breath and we will not be ‘programming’ our breath in this class, but we will explore the ways the lungs and our breathing can support our movement. We will think of this layer of the kosha model not just as a place for exploring breath, but exploring our energy levels and how our practices can best support us when we might feel a bit drained or overwhelmed. Suggested equipment:
  • yoga mat
  • blanket
  • resistance band


75 minutes

Open Yoga: Vijnanamaya kosha a practice for inner creativity

In this practice we explore the possibility of leading our practice with intentionality.  What happens when we create a sense of our practice in our mind before we begin to move.  What comes alive for us in our imaginations that almost ‘make it so’ in the body?  This layer of the kosha model is one that draws away from the embodied layers, but we stay anchored here in the nervous system – bringing focus to what we want to feel, sense and notice in our practice. Suggested equipment
  • yoga mat
  • blanket


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 12.11.21: Annamaya Kosha at practice of meeting our edges

The first in a series of seven classes exploring the kosha model – an ancient philosophical model of self.  We begin at the outmost layer of the model, the Annamaya kosha.  We will explore this outer layer somatically by coming into contact with the edges of ourself, skin, bones and the places where we can define our self from something else.  In this practice we also consider the edge of what we want/need. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Stack of blankets
  • Yoga belt or a long scarf
  • Two yoga bricks (or hard copy books)
  • Yoga bolster (or firm sofa cushion)


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 05.11.21: An all around grounding/settling practice

In this Yoga Gently class we explore meeting our whole bodies – from fingers to toes and everything inbetween.  This is a perfect all-around practice, giving you an opportunity to explore space/strength/stretch and relaxation throughout the whole of your body. Suggested Equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Stack of blankets
  • Bolster (if you have one)
  • Yoga strap, resistance band or a scarf


75 minutes

Open Yoga 03.11.21 – Meeting our Whole Body; an all around practise

This practice is a chance to take a short tour of your body – toes, to fingers, to the top of your head – how is the ‘whole’ of you feeling today.  Moving with attention from the ground up, we’ll explore postures that allow us to greet a wide-range of joint movements, muscle stretches and strength.  This is a great ‘all arounder’ practice. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Yoga strap or resistance band (or a scarf)
  • Blanket


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 22.10.21 – Pathways to Centre Series: connection to the psoas

This is the final class in our series on finding new pathways to our centre.  And it would be remiss of us not to explore a crucial ‘connecting’ muscle at our centre – the psoas muscles.  These two, deep and long muscles that connect our upper body to our lower body through centre work as both stabilising muscles and also form a pathway to our nervous systems.  When we breath – this muscle contracts. When we walk, these muscles at as a support system.  And when we release tension in these muscles that can signal our nervous system to dial things down.  We will finish this class with several psoas release postures, giving plenty of time for deep relaxation. What you will need:
  • a yoga mat
  • chair
  • stack of blankets
  • two yoga bricks (or a stack of hardcopy books)
  • a squidgy ball (a blanket will work here)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 28.09.21: Pathways to Centre – Warmth

In our third class in the Pathways to Centre series we are ‘warming up’ a bit.  Identifying heat from the centre of our bodies is part of many rituals and practices throughout history.  Yoga is no different in this regard – the area of centre was often described as the ‘source of heat’ within the body in ancient practices.  And actually there is a LOT of heat involved in the processes of digesting.  As we transition to the cooler months, locating the areas of the body that provide a connection to warmth may be a place of comfort.  The ‘power’ of heat in the body doesn’t need to be ‘stoked’ as such, it is there for you, readily available to notice and connect with.  How does noticing your ‘heat’ and ‘power’ support act as a pathway to your centre?


75 minutes

Open Yoga 22.09.21: Pathways to Centre – balancing

In our second class in the series Pathways to Centre we’re exploring how awareness of balancing can build our sense of stability at centre.  Balancing does not just mean standing on one leg in a yoga posture – balancing can be found in how we stand in mountain posture or how we transition from a posture at the ground to a standing posture.  How do we connect to centre as we find stability in balancing?  How can we use a sense of centre to create more ease as we balance? Suggested equipment
  • yoga mat
  • blanket
  • 1 yoga brick


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 24.09.21 – Pathways to Centre, Balancing

In this Yoga Gently class we continue our exploration of finding new ways to connect to centre.


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 12.07.21

In this class we look at how to use resistance to strengthen and simultaneously add support to sensitive postnatal joints.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 09.07.21 – Embodying the Easy-Breezy Feeling of Summertime

This class is wraps up the series on Embodying Summertime.  In this class we explore the possibility of embodying that lazy summertime feeling, the taking a pause out to relax in the sunshine and do nothing.  Though our bodies are always busy working for us, there are many aspects within us that are deeply settled.  What movements support you in connecting to the more settled aspects of yourself?  What postures feel the most restful?  What postures or movements create that subtle activity that brings you both aliveness and restfulness?  Enjoy the easy, breezy summer feeling within this practice.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 30.06.21 – Pathways to Centre

This class is all about activating at and from the centre of the body.  Noticing the pulsing rhythms of gather and reach, from centre to edges and from edges to centre.  A practice for noticing the connections within and using these connections to better support your practice.


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 28.06.21

In this class, we shall be using a pilates ball as a useful prop for our workout.
Focus is on the pelvic floor and carefully building up abdominal strength
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 18.06.21 – Exploring our Edges

In this class we explore boundaries and edges.  You will be invited to consider how much you want to move towards your edges, noticing the feelings of expanding through breath and movement.  You will also consider what it’s like to move away from the edge, to gather closer to centre, drawing in and expanding outwards. Expect a class which starts with gentle movements and yoga postures followed by a restorative yoga practice at the end. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • One brick
  • Yoga strap (or a resistance band or scarf)
  • Several blankets
  • A yoga bolster


75 minutes

Open Yoga 16.06.21 – Expanding to our Edges

In this class we explore boundaries and edges.  You will be invited to consider how much you want to move towards your edges, noticing the feelings of expanding through breath and movement.  You will also consider what it’s like to move away from the edge, to gather closer to centre, drawing in and expanding outwards. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • Two bricks
  • Yoga strap (or a resistance band or scarf)
  • Blanket


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 14.06.21

A limb strengthening class today plus important abdominal and pelvic floor work.
Have a resistance band ready for this session.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 11.06.21 – Adding a Little Springiness into Your Practice

This class is all about embodying that summer-time feeling.  As we enter the summer term at Yoga at the Barn Ashley is offering a series of classes to embrace the active within.  How can we find a bit of a spring in our steps, support from our connective tissues, feeling into the possibility of uplift from within. In this class, we will begin the series by exploring the potential springiness from the connective tissues – how can we find a little ‘bounce’ or rebound before settling into relatively still shapes?  It may be that we find that little ‘boost’ simply by emptying the breath and noticing the way the lungs ‘just fill’ – the natural spring of our in breath. Expect a class of gentle yoga movements, followed by time in restorative yoga postures. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets (2 or 3) or a yoga bolster


75 minutes

Open Yoga 09.06.21 – Finding Uplift

This class is all about embodying that summer-time feeling.  As we enter the summer term at Yoga at the Barn Ashley is offering a series of classes to embrace the active within.  How can we find a bit of a spring in our steps, support from our connective tissues, feeling into the possibility of uplift from within. In this class, we will begin the series by exploring the potential springiness from the connective tissues – how can we find a little ‘bounce’ or rebound before settling into relatively still shapes?  It may be that we find that little ‘boost’ simply by emptying the breath and noticing the way the lungs ‘just fill’ – the natural spring of our in breath. An uplifting class with a bit of warmth and activity! Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Two yoga bricks (sturdy books might do the job)
  • A blanket


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 07.06.21

Postnatal joints can be sensitive and unstable. I shall show you how using props can help you.
A resistance band or yoga strap would be useful today.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 31.05.21

This week is a full body workout with some specific reminders for mums under 6 months Postnatal, but it is also suitable for those over 6 months.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning. Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 24.05.21

For those who are new to Pilates as well as motherhood. We look at the postnatal body and how they can benefit from Pilates.
It is also good for regular students to be reminded of the fundamentals of Postnatal Pilates.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 21.05.21 – A Place for Pause (part of bringing presence to practice series)

In this class we explore the possibility of staying present when things slow down a bit. If we take a moment in our practice to check-in and see how we’re feeling will be make choices that better support how we are or how we want to practice?  We’ll be considering the idea that the work we do in practice; the movement, the discipline, the ‘heat,’ can all be coupled with comfort – what can you do in each moment in your practice to find a bit more comfort, a little more ease.  Working towards creating a balanced practice; that that is both ‘work’ (or effort) and ‘comfortable’ (or ease).  We will finish this practice with a restorative posture. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga Mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga brick (or a large hardback book)
  • A yoga bolster (if you have one)


90 Minutes

Yielding – Restorative Yoga – Part of the Summer Series Course

In this class we will take 90 minutes in order to deeply settle.  All restorative yoga sessions require the practice of active resting, doing what we feel we can to allow our body to seek/find more comfort in order to better relax.  The question offered in this class, is what might you do in this moment to offer yourself a little more comfort, a little more ease (it may not be being still, you may need quiet movement, or shift out of or away from a posture . . .).  Use this practice to give yourself the needed comfort you may not always have the time to give yourself. Suggested equipment
  • A yoga mat
  • A few more more blankets
  • A cushion
  • A yoga bolster if you have one
  • A chair (or somewhere you might elevate your legs – a sofa or coffee table)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 19.05.21 – Taking a Pause (part of bringing presence to practice series)

In this class we explore the possibility of staying present when things slow down a bit. If we take a moment in our practice to check-in and see how we’re feeling will be make choices that better support how we are or how we want to practice?  We’ll be considering the idea that the work we do in practice; the movement, the discipline, the ‘heat,’ can all be coupled with comfort – what can you do in each moment in your practice to find a bit more comfort, a little more ease.  Working towards creating a balanced practice; that that is both ‘work’ (or effort) and ‘comfortable’ (or ease).  We will finish this practice with a restorative posture. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga Mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga brick (or a large hardback book)


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 17.05.21

Postnatal joints can be extremely sensitive.
Today we look at moving carefully through the exercises to protect and strengthen them.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 12.05.21 – Seeing things from a different perspective (part of the bringing presence to practice series)

In today’s class we explore inversions, reorienting ourselves a little bit upside down.  Often we have a sense that to invert we need to do something like a headstand (and for sure headstands are inversions) but there are other, perhaps more subtle, ways to shift our internal experience.  Lifting our legs above our hearts – is an inversion . . . what about when we lift our arms above or hearts?  Can we allow a deeper presence during times when things are flipped around a bit, deciding how to find more space/comfort whilst there?  Is it possible to then return back to neutral with more awareness of the shift that has occurred?  Perhaps offering more clarity as to how and when we will ‘invert.’ Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Two yoga bricks


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 10.05.21

In this session you will be focusing on balance and coordination.  Both can be compromised during pregnancy and afterwards.  It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 05.05.21 – Finding Your Own Flow (part of the bringing presence to practice series)

This Open Yoga class is part one of a series on Finding Presence in our Practice.  In this practice we will explore what it means to ‘flow’.  How can we find a sense of flow in the simplest way.  As we shift from shape to shape or sequence to sequence, can we stay present to what is happening ‘between the postures’ as we transition? What pace or rhythms are coming forward in your practice?  Can you notice if there are ways of moving that allow you to feel more connected, more even/steady, more ‘in the flow?’  Is it possible to invite more of these experiences into your practice?  Making choices to move in ways that support ‘your flow?’  Today’s practice will invite curiosity and exploration in finding your own style/sense of flow. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks (if you don’t have these, do not worry you will be fine without them)


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 03.05.21

Today we are looking at working the side body and how gentle twisting can help to mobilise the spine and hips.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 28.04.21 – Seeking a deeper connection to centre

This Open Yoga class is part one of a series on Finding Presence in our Practice.  In this practice we will explore integration – bring our limbs more into connection with the centre of the body.  How can our ‘centre’ strength/stability help us to find more strength/stability in the limbs of our body? How can the centre support us in moving with more ease and connection?  How can we feel more ‘centred’? Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • Two yoga bricks (if you don’t have them do not worry)
  • Blanket
  • Light to medium resistance band (if you do not have one do not worry)


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 30.04.21 – Feeling a deeper connection to centre

This Yoga Gently class is part one of a series on Finding Presence in our Practice.  In this practice we will explore integration – bring our limbs more into connection with the centre of the body.  How can our ‘centre’ strength/stability help us to find more strength/stability in the limbs of our body? How can the centre support us in moving with more ease and connection?  How can we feel more ‘centred’? Expect gentle movements, some standing practice and some restorative yoga.  This practice has some work on our knees, so if you are working with knee ‘stuff’ or injury please listen to how you are feeling and know there are modifications to find other ways to explore the movements. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • Two yoga bricks (if you don’t have them do not worry)
  • Stack of blankets (2-3 or more)
  • Yoga bolster if you have it


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 26.04.21

Today we look at strengthening the obliques and the glutes and their relationship to “the core.”  How it is important to include the back and side body in strengthening it.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning. Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person, or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 23.04.21 – Presence in Practice: Heaviness vs. Lightness

This week’s Open Yoga class is class 2 in the series of bringing presence to practice.  Noticing or tracking how the body feels during a yoga session is tricky, throughout this series Ashley will offer you ways to begin to build more awareness, finding simple practices that slow things down and allow more time to be present. This class asks you to draw your attention to two ‘simple’ sensations, heaviness and lightness.  Can you stay present to where you feel or notice sensations of heaviness?  Can you notice where it is lighter?  How can locating heaviness lend itself to feeling stable or strong?  How can drawing your attention to areas that feel light support creating more space or stretch?  Is it possible to just stay with these sensations and that by staying with them find different ways to negotiate moving? What to expect:  checking in and warming up, gentle movement and standing yoga postures, and some restorative yoga to finish. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Stack of blankets
  • Cushion
  • Yoga bolster


75 minutes

Open Yoga 21.02.21 – Heaviness vs Lightness (Bringing Presence to Practice Series)

This week’s Open Yoga class is class 2 in the series of bringing presence to practice.  Noticing or tracking how the body feels during a yoga session is tricky, throughout this series Ashley will offer you ways to begin to build more awareness, finding simple practices that slow things down and allow more time to be present. This class asks you to draw your attention to two ‘simple’ sensations, heaviness and lightness.  Can you stay present to where you feel or notice sensations of heaviness?  Can you notice where it is lighter?  How can locating heaviness lend itself to feeling stable or strong?  How can drawing your attention to areas that feel light support creating more space or stretch?  Is it possible to just stay with these sensations and that by staying with them find different ways to negotiate moving? Suggested equipment: Yoga mat Blanket Two yoga bricks


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 19.04.21

As a result of pregnancy, the body has stretched open in many ways.  In this class, we focus on drawing everything inwards, to the centre.  Particular attention is paid to the pelvic floor and abdominals. It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 16.04.21 – How do we know we’ve arrived?

This Yoga Gently class is part one of a series on Finding Presence in our Practice.  In this practice we will explore how we know when we’re ready to move, or whether we’d prefer to do a little less or a little more – how do we know?  We will attempt to locate a little more space in our bodies in order to move or rest more comfortably. Expect gentle movements, some standing practice and some restorative yoga.  This practice has some work on our knees, so if you are working with knee ‘stuff’ or injury please listen to how you are feeling and know there are modifications to find other ways to explore the movements. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • Two yoga bricks (if you don’t have them do not worry)
  • Stack of blankets (2-3 or more)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 14.04.21 – Building Presence in our Practice: Arriving

Welcoming ourselves back to our practice after a short break – this class is an invitation to notice what it is to ‘arrive’ in our bodies or in our practice.  This is the first class in a series for developing more presence to our self (how we want to move, how we are feeling) as we practice.  A gentle practice to invite a bit more curiosity about how you may want to move, what choices you might back within certain asana and allowing you time/space to check-in with how you are feeling throughout the practice. Suggested equipment
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 12.04.21

An all over workout today. As usual, the pelvic floor and abdominals are focused on. Modifications are given for mums under 6 months postnatal.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

31.03.21 Open Yoga/ Yoga Gently

In this free class Ashley combines her two weekly classes into one – offering a practice that provides gentle movement for uplift and energy as well as restorative practice for settling and finding ease.  In this class Ashley explores the concept of Sattva which is often translated as ‘perfect balance.’  What might it be to let go of the idea of perfect balance or perfect harmony and allowing the possibility of finding balance/harmony in this moment – in whatever way it might show up. This practice is accessible for Beginner’s with plenty of variations offered to best support you. Suggested equipment:
  • 2 Yoga Bricks (or a stack or two of books)
  • Several blankets
  • Cushions
  • A bolster (if you have one)


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 29.03.21

Today we are looking at working the side body and how gentle twisting can help to mobilise the spine and hips.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 24.03.21 – Integrating the Elements (part of the Embodying Nature Series)

For the next few weeks we will be bringing nature onto the mat by exploring elemental practices.  You know that feeling of walking outside, a breath of fresh air filling your lungs, sunshine meeting your skin, feet connecting to the ground below?  How might we embody these experiences on the mat?  In our practice?  What systems of our body or areas of our body feel the most grounded (connected to earth) or most fluid (connected to water) or most spacious (connected to air) . . . over the next few weeks we will be using our embodied senses to capture a bit of nature within! This week’s class we will integrate all of the elements.  Just like in nature around us, the body has ‘a lot going on’ at once – we ground and then find space, we flow from the warmth at centre, it’s all happening at once.  Through this practice we will connect to more than one sensation at once, the possibility of shifting from a fluid experience to one that feels more grounded, keeping the thread of the fluid still connected.  Expect a practice that is grounded and invigorating, stable and fluid, spacious and contained. Suggested equipment:
  • Mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 15.03.21

Through Postnatal Pilates we all aim to strengthen our abdominals.
However, it is equally important to strengthen the posterior chain to support those abs.
Today we shall be working towards strengthening our backs and lateral muscles.
 It would useful to have a resistance band or yoga strap to hand and a ball or foam roller/ bolster.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 17.03.21 – Connecting to Warmth Within (part of the Embody Nature Series)

For the next few weeks we will be bringing nature onto the mat by exploring elemental practices.  You know that feeling of walking outside, a breath of fresh air filling your lungs, sunshine meeting your skin, feet connecting to the ground below?  How might we embody these experiences on the mat?  In our practice?  What systems of our body or areas of our body feel the most grounded (connected to earth) or most fluid (connected to water) or most spacious (connected to air) . . . over the next few weeks we will be using our embodied senses to capture a bit of nature within! This week’s class is all about connecting to the element of fire.  How might we capture the feeling of the warm sunshine on your face within?   Finding ‘heat’ in the body does not necessarily have to come from strenuous work, there are pockets of warmth all over the body (the belly as it digests, the heart as it beats).  How can we use the warmth within to spread or extend outward?  How can we use the warmth within to gather inwards? Suggested equipment:
  • Mat
  • Blanket
  • Red resistance band


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 12.03.21 – Uplifting Air Element in our Embodying Nature Series

This week we continue our series on embodying nature in our yoga practice.  You know that feeling when you take a lovely walk in the sunshine?  What if we could capture that at any moment on our mat.  One way of exploring our connection to nature is by exploring our embodied experience of the elements.

Today’s class is a class for embodying the qualities of the air element.  Finding uplift and space within to create a senes of freshness in our practice.   We will be exploring breath in this practice – if it is comfortable – as one source of support and uplift. Expect a gentle warm up locating areas of support through the feet, some standing posture, movement work and breath awareness, followed by a restorative posture. Suggested equipment:
  • Several blankets


75 minutes

Open Yoga 10.03.21 – Connecting to Air

For the next few weeks we will be bringing nature onto the mat by exploring elemental practices.  You know that feeling of walking outside, a breath of fresh air filling your lungs, sunshine meeting your skin, feet connecting to the ground below?  How might we embody these experiences on the mat?  In our practice?  What systems of our body or areas of our body feel the most grounded (connected to earth) or most fluid (connected to water) or most spacious (connected to air) . . . over the next few weeks we will be using our embodied senses to capture a bit of nature within! This week’s class is all about connecting to the element of air.  How might we capture the essence of the light uplift of the breeze, the freshness of the wind or the spaciousness of the air around us – all within us?  This practice will explore the breath (if it is comfortable for you to do so) and how we might use the breath to be more supportive in finding space and lightness within. Suggested equipment:
  • Mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks (or books)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 03.03.21 – Connecting to fluid (water element), the embodied nature series

For the next few weeks we will be bringing nature onto the mat by exploring elemental practices.  You know that feeling of walking outside, a breath of fresh air filling your lungs, sunshine meeting your skin, feet connecting to the ground below?  How might we embody these experiences on the mat?  In our practice?  What systems of our body or areas of our body feel the most grounded (connected to earth) or most fluid (connected to water) or most spacious (connected to air) . . . over the next few weeks we will be using our embodied senses to capture a bit of nature within! This week’s class is all about finding support from our fluid body.  We often think of the ‘flow’ of water, but there are other fluids in our bodies (think here about fat) that have a much different quality and may be useful for us in finding more support as we move. Suggested equipment:
  • Mat
  • Blanket
  • Yoga strap or resistance band or scarf


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 02.03.21

In this class we are drawing our attention to the arms and shoulders using a resistance band and also looking at  strengthening abdominals in a four point kneeling position.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


90 Minutes

Restorative Yoga 26.02.21 – What Do You Need Right Now to In Order to Seek Rest?

This month’s restorative yoga session in one in which we explore the possibility that just lying down and taking a few noticeable breaths may not be enough to help us settle towards rest.  Our practice today is one in which you will be allowed time and invitation to seek out what your body needs in order to be more settled.  Sometimes this might be movement?  Sometimes this might be added support?  Sometimes this might be noticing sounds around or within?  During this class you will be given permission to seek out what you need right now, in this moment to find more ease in order to better settle toward rest. Restorative yoga practice involves mainly lying down postures that are supported by props you can find around your home, held for several minutes.  This practice is one that supports the nervous system in settling. *to note this video was recorded with less studio lighting to support less brightness on your screen. Suggested equipment
  • 3-4 blankets
  • two yoga bricks (or books)
  • Bolster or a firm cushion
  • Cushion or pillow
  • Chair, wall or edge of a bed/sofa etc.
  • Eye pillow



Yoga Gently 26.02.21 – Connect to earth, the embodying nature series

This week we begin a series on embodying nature in our yoga practice.  You know that feeling when you take a lovely walk in the sunshine?  What if we could capture that at any moment on our mat.  One way of exploring our connection to nature is by exploring our embodied experience of the elements. Today’s class is a class for finding out connection to the ground beneath us.  How does connecting more deeply to the earth below help establish more space, freedom, ease, mobility? Expect a gentle warm up locating areas of support through the feet, some standing posture and movement work followed by a restorative posture. Suggested equipment:
  • Several blankets
  • Two yoga bricks
  • A yoga strap, resistance band or a scarf
  • A bolster
  • A chair


75 minutes

Open Yoga 24.02.21 – Connecting to earth, the embodiment of nature series.

A new term, nearly a new season means a new series of Open Yoga classes.  For the next few weeks we will be bringing nature onto the mat by exploring elemental practices.  You know that feeling of walking outside, a breath of fresh air filling your lungs, sunshine meeting your skin, feet connecting to the ground below?  How might we embody these experiences on the mat?  In our practice?  What systems of our body or areas of our body feel the most grounded (connected to earth) or most fluid (connected to water) or most spacious (connected to air) . . . over the next few weeks we will be using our embodied senses to capture a bit of nature within! This week’s class is all about meeting the ground, finding stability, space and mobility by anchoring to the earth below. Suggested equipment:
  • Mat
  • Two yoga bricks
  • Blanket
  • Yoga strap or resistance band or scarf


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 15.02.21

After pregnancy your centre of gravity can change. Today we are focussing on alignment and finding our centre.
A ball or yoga brick would be handy as would a resistance band or yoga strap- however you can also do without them.

It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.

Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.



75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 22.02.21

You should be careful with joints after giving birth but after six months we can take progress a little further. Today we look at hip strengthening and mobilisation. Suitable for 6 months after delivery.

It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.

Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.



75 minutes

Open Yoga 17.02.21 – Grounding through balance

This blended Open Yoga and Yoga Gently class offers a possibility of exploring the grounding qualities of balancing.  In a world that is increasingly out of kilter we hear the term ‘find balance’ and perhaps think the answer lies in finding the perfect balance between the various aspects of our lives (work, play, relaxation, exertion etc).  In this class we explore the possibility that being out of balance and present helps us to find our way towards sometime more balanced, more grounded.  That the art/science of balance comes not in expecting all things to be even, smooth, without wobbles, but in exploring the inherent stability within the instability. Expect: A gentle class with optional flowing sequences and a short restorative practice at the finish Suggested equipment:
  • yoga mat
  • blanket
  • 2 yoga bricks


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 12.02.21 – Spinal rotations your way

This is the last class in our series exploring who we can use movement to support our posture.  This class is all about the spinal movement of rotation – sometimes called twisting movements – we will explore how the body forms rotations, not just from the spine but from the feet up.  Finding the rotation of the whole body may allow the twisting shapes we make in yoga more spacious and comfortable.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 10.02.21 – Spinal rotation with whole body integration

This week’s Open Yoga class is our final in our postural exploration: beginning to find ways of better supporting our functional posture.  In this class we explore the movement of spinal rotation.  This movement in the spine is a movement that is common to experience when doing ‘twisting’ yoga postures.  Twisting sounds wrong – it’s doesn’t exactly get at what’s happening in the body when we make these shapes.  We’ll explore how rotations can follow along the pathway of other spirallic actions in the body, from feet to head.  Moving in a way to feels less about ‘twisting it out’ and more about easing into more rotational space.


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 01.02.21

A full body workout today, with some resistance band work on arms and shoulders,.
You can also use a strap or go without.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 03.02.21 – Support from Centre

In this Open Yoga class we will be building our awareness of our centre.  Centre strength is often talked about in terms of a few types of movements which are often quite mechanical.  What might it be like to explore a variety of movements that radiant to and from centre.  Naval radiation is a pattern of movement that formed early in our development, this pattern can be seen as one (of many) layer of support underlying our movement.  And when we’re more aware of this pattern, it may be a helpful resource for finding added strength and mobility. Possible equipment needed:
  • Two yoga bricks (or a stack of books
  • A blanket
  • A light to medium resistance band


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 29.01.21 – Connecting to Flow

This class is a chance to ‘go with the flow’ – your flow, a chance to connect to the fluid system that supports movement in your body.  Flow does not have to be moving a ‘specific’ way, it can be connecting to the fluid rhythms (beat of heart, pulse of blood, breath), being present to areas of the body that feel fluid (slide, glide) or expressing fluidly through movements. Expect a class with invitational, a standing gentle flowing sequence, attention to breath (if comfortable), and a restorative posture to finish. Suggested equipment
  • Several blanket
  • Two yoga bricks
  • A bolster (or firm sofa cushion)
  • A cushion/pillow


75 minutes

Open Yoga 27.01.21 – Being Present to Flow

This class is a chance to ‘go with the flow’ – your flow, a chance to connect to the fluid system that supports movement in your body.  Flow does not have to be moving a ‘specific’ way, it can be connecting to the fluid rhythms (beat of heart, pulse of blood, breath), being present to areas of the body that feel fluid (slide, glide) or expressing fluidly through movements. Expect a class with invitational, gentle flowing sequences and attention to breath (if comfortable) Suggested equipment
  • A blanket
  • Two yoga bricks


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 25.01.21

Today we are strengthening and mobilising the hips which can become tight postnatally.
Also included is abdominal work with a little more intensity than in previous weeks.
This week’s recording is suitable if you are 4 months + postpartum
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.



Yoga Gently 22.01.21 – Moving with the breath (and lungs)

This week we continue to explore movements that will help take us out of the ‘stuck’ postures of screen-time.  Moving laterally in the spine, we will explore how the breath and lungs can can help guide our movements and offer support.  This practice aims to be gentle and accessible and includes time in restorative practice. Suggested equipment:
  • two yoga bricks (or a stack of books)
  • a few blankets
  • a bolster or firm sofa cushion
  • a resistance band


75 minutes

Open Yoga 19.02.21 – Lateral spinal movements (moving with the support of the breath)

In this Open Yoga class we will explore lateral movements of the spine (sometimes called ‘side-bending’).  As we continue to explore ways of finding more space to compensate for all the time we’re spending sitting forward-facing looking at screens.  One way to explore lateral movements is to connect to the lungs – using the movement of the lungs to support us in moving sideways (or lifting and lowering our arms). In this practice we will be exploring how our breath can support movement, there will be cues to consider and notice the breath, if this is uncomfortable feel free to stay present to the movement of the body. Suggested equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks (or a stack of books)
  • A resistance band


75 Minutes

Postnatal Pilates 18.01.21

Today’s class includes a look at the importance of protecting your joints and introduces another prop which you might like to try: the Pilates circle.
is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning. Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 15.01.21 – Being Led By Comfort

Yoga Gently this week is a continued invitation to be led by comfort – what would it be like if we had the question: ‘is this comfortable,’ guide our movement?  We will be focussing primarily in and around the hips and pelvis as we explore finding space and containment.  Expect a gentle warm up, a gentle standing sequence and a restorative practice to finish. This is a great practice for anyone who has been spending much of their day seated.  A practice for unravelling some of the held tension around the pelvis, hips and sacrum. Equipment that might be helpful
  • Two yoga bricks (sturdy books might work)
  • Two blankets (or more)
  • A cushion
  • A bolster (if you have one or perhaps a stack of blankets or a firm cushion)
  • A resistance band or yoga strap (a scarf will work)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 12.21.21 – Seeking Comfort (hips/pelvis and lower back practice)

This week’s class follows on from last week’s exploration of what it might be like to lead with the question, “is it comfortable here.”  If we are led by a curiosity to find comfort how does that support us in finding stability, containment, stretch and strength? This practice aims to support those parts of us that might be sitting for long periods of time at a screen at the moment.  How can we find more space and comfort in and around our hips.  How does feeling more spaciousness in the hips feel?  How does feeling more support/containment in the hips feel?  Which do you prefer right now?  Which do you feel you might need more of? Possible equipment
  • Two yoga bricks (or sturdy books)
  • blankets (two if possible)
  • Resistance band if you have it
  • Anything else you like to have to support your practice


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 08.01.21 – A Gentle Start to the New Year

This Yoga Gently class is a gentle return to the mat after our YATB holiday break.  Whether we’ve been practice every day or not at all over the last few weeks, this practice is one for bringing you back into awareness of how your body is feeling RIGHT NOW.  This is the sort of practice you can (and ought to consider) doing every now and again.  Expect gentle movements for the joint spaces, exploration around the head/neck, some stand posture work, finishing with a restorative posture followed by time to relax. Equipment needed:
  • Two yoga bricks (or a couple of hard copy books)
  • Yoga strap or resistance band or long scarf
  • Several blanket for support
  • A yoga bolster or set of firm cushions
  • If you have one a small blue squishy exercises ball sometimes called a pilates ball or a exersoft ball (no worries if you don’t have one of these, though they are readily available online at YogaMatters or Amazon)


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 04.01.21

The focus this week is on intensifying abdominal engagement a little more while being careful and aware of how this feels.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning. Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 05.01.21 – New Year, New Start, Check-in Practice

This Open Yoga class is a gentle return to the mat after our YATB holiday break.  Whether we’ve been practice every day or not at all over the last few weeks, this practice is one for bringing you back into awareness of how your body is feeling RIGHT NOW.  This is the sort of practice you can (and ought to consider) doing every now and again.  Expect gentle movements for the joint spaces, exploration around the head/neck, some warming sun salutations (with modifications provided) and time to relax at the end. Equipment needed:
  • Two yoga bricks (or a couple of hard copy books)
  • Yoga strap or resistance band or long scarf
  • A blanket for support
  • If you have one a small blue squishy exercises ball sometimes called a pilates ball or a exersoft ball (no worries if you don’t have one of these, though they are readily available online at YogaMatters or Amazon)


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 11.01.21

This week as well, as the usual pelvic floor and abdominal work, the glutes and legs get a good workout!
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning. Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 21.12.20

This week’s class shows you how to work the upper body, arms and shoulders with the use of a strap or resistance band.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning. Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 16.12.20 – A Practice for Relaxing

The third the 3 R’s series, this practice focuses on creating time, space and movements for inviting more ease and relaxation.  December is always a frantic month, add in a pandemic and boy oh boy is it stressful.  By focussing on the areas of the body where space resides (joints for example) we might be able to experience more spaciousness within.  A gentle practice with invitational, modified sun salutations and a guided somatic body scan to finish.  Ending 2020 with a deeply relaxing practice!


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 14.12.20

A full body workout with an emphasis on the benefits of strengthening the glutes. It is advisable to have a blanket or pillow handy for cushioning and to use a Pilates mat. Please do not undertake any exercise, either in person, online or a recording without consent from your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 08.12.20 – Rebounding

This Open Yoga class is the second in our 3R’s series.  In this video we will focus on rebounding – finding that little bit of a spring in our step.  Can you take your awareness to movements that you make that create a little bounce or spring?  Are you able to use a little bounce/spring to support you in moving with more ease?  We will explore ways to use the movement pattern of rebound to help us find a little uplift during these dark winter days.


20 min

Just One Restorative Posture – Fish

In this Just One Restorative Posture video we will be exploring the Restorative Fish Posture. Depending how you set this posture up, this shape can have a fair bit of back extension.  Creating a broadening of the front of the ribcage (often referred to as a ‘heart opening’ posture in yoga).  Lifting the ribcage can bring attention to your breath, feeling the expansion and contraction of the lungs.  This shape also brings attention to the throat area – lengthening in the cervical spine.  This shape can offer a sense of uplift during relaxation. Precautions:
  • Be mindful of how your back feels in this shape (pay particular attention to your lower back and your neck)
Equipment needed:
  • Blankets (2 or 3)
  • Blocks/Bricks
  • Perhaps a cushion


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 04.12.20 – Working Through Resistance

Yoga Gently’s latest live online class is the start of a new 3-part series called the 3-Rs.  December is a stressful month at the best of times, but this year even more so.  This series is going to help support us is finding space and ease leading up to the holiday season.  We’re kicking the series off with a session on working through resistance.  Sometimes in order to better know ease we have to explore tension, we have to feel our muscles working against something – resisting.  This class will involve bringing some pushing/pulling actions into our yoga postures.  Working through resistance to see what’s on the other side.  Finishing off with a lovely restorative posture for the psoas muscles. Equipment needed
  • Yoga mat
  • blanket
  • Resistance band (ideally a medium (red) theraband or something similar)
  • A few blankets
  • A bolster if you have one
  • Maybe a cushion or two


75 minutes

Open Yoga 01.12.20 – Working Through Resistance

Open Yoga’s latest live online class is the start of a new 3-part series called the 3-Rs.  December is a stressful month at the best of times, but this year even more so.  This series is going to help support us is finding space and ease leading up to the holiday season.  We’re kicking the series off with a session on working through resistance.  Sometimes in order to better know ease we have to explore tension, we have to feel our muscles working against something – resisting.  This class will involve bringing some pushing/pulling actions into our yoga postures.  Working through resistance to see what’s on the other side. Equipment needed
  • Yoga mat
  • blanket
  • Resistance band (ideally a medium (red) theraband or something similar)


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 30/11/20

This week we are looking at the importance of strengthening the back and the impact weak abdominals can  have on back health.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning. Please do not undertake any exercise online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 24.11.20 – A Gratitude Practice

This is the final class in our Embodying Resilience series.  We’re coming full circle, returning to a practice that connects us to how our body is feeling overall, in this moment.  A practice for slowing down and drawing your attention inward and a chance to spend some time saying ‘thank you’ to your body for all it is capable of.


90 Minutes

Restorative by Candlelight 20.11.20

Our monthly 90 minute restorative yoga by candlelight class.  This month’s class in one on connecting to our internal sense of balance.  Taking time to balance our nervous systems, to connect to a sense of ever-present equanimity.  To not strive for balance, but to recognise we are already balanced.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 20.11.20 – Finding Balance

This is the 6th session in our series on embodying resilience.  In this class we will explore balance.  At the moment there is a lot of polarity around – hot/cold, dark/light, right/wrong . . . so it’s not surprising that there is also a lot out there about finding the ‘perfect balance’ somewhere smack in the centre of these two things.  But what if we are always seeking balance?  What if the body is in constant search for equanimity – always looking to seek harmony?  In this sense we can find balance in many places – not just in the centre of two polarities.  Not just in standing on one leg without wobbling. Expect: gentle movements, some gentle yoga stand postures and finishing with some restorative yoga. Equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blankets (the more the merrier)
  • Cushion
  • Two yoga bricks (or a couple of hard copy books about the same size)
  • A yoga bolster if you have one (or perhaps a firm sofa cushion)


20 minutes

Just 1 Restorative Posture – Reclining Bond Angle Posture

In this Just 1 session Ashley will guide you into, through and out of a reclining bound angle posture.  Judith Hason Lassater calls this posture ‘the queen of all restorative postures,’ and we’d agree it’s a pretty grand posture indeed.  Supporting the spine in a reclining shape offers a possible sense of containment or holding from which one might explore the opposite sensation of yielding or ease within the body.  This one is one we could stay in ALL DAY LONG! This shape is one of the few restorative postures that are possible during pregnancy. Equipment:
  • Bolster (firm sofa cushion or stack of firm blankets)
  • Blankets (the more the merrier)
  • Yoga belt (or a scarf or resistance band)
  • Yoga blocks or bricks (or something sturdy for stacking)


20 minutes

Just 1 Restorative Posture – Front Lying Savasana

In this Just 1 session Ashley will guide you into, through and out of a front lying savasana restorative posture.  Bringing your body into a prone position can draw the sensory organs of the eyes, ears  inward away from external stimulation, allowing a smoother transition away from the sympathetic system (of activity/fight/flight) towards the parasympathetic system (of rest/digest).  This posture can be supportive for the front of the spine (an often explored possibility for added support), creating the possibility of experiencing the spaciousness of the back of the body. Precautions:
  • Not a posture to practise during pregnancy
  • Not an ideal posture when you have a sinus headache or sinus congestion
Equipment needed:
  • Bolster (or a stack of firm blankets or a firm cushion like a sofa cushion)
  • Blankets (the more the merrier)
  • Block or a book


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 16.11.20

This week’s class is a full body workout with a focus on the pelvic floor and abdominals.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise, online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 09.11.20

This week we are looking at strengthening legs.
In connection to legs, we will be working those glutes which is so important for back health.
It is advisable to use a padded Pilates mat or have a blanket or pillow handy for extra cushioning.
Please do not undertake any exercise, online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 10.11.20 Finding Your Edges

This class is the 5th class in our series on Embodying Resilience.  In this practice we explore locating, expanding and meeting the edges of our self.  When we are feeling uncertain about a movement – maybe it’s too fast or a shape feels uncomfortable, locating our edges – the distinct lines of our body that meet the ground or the space around us, can help us feel more stable and more at ease.  This practice brings us into an embodied sense of our bones as scaffolding to support us internally when moving or creating postures.  As we define a clearer sense of our boundaries the uncertainty around us may not feel so overwhelming. Equipment suggested
  • Two yoga bricks (or hardback books)
  • A blanket
  • A yoga strap or scarf


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 06.11.20 – Integrating to Centre

This is our fourth class in the Embodying Resilience series and we move now to the very centre of ourselves.  When the world around us feels uncertain and chaotic, there are some places we can come to in the body that can act as an anchor, a place of strength and stability.  In a way we are getting to the ‘core’ of things in this class. In this class we will explore how to integrate our limbs to our centre – creating movements that expand from centre and gather towards centre.  As well as how to soften at our centres through restorative postures.  With an aim of feeling more connected, more integrated, more whole. Equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket (several)
  • Cushion
  • Bolster
  • Two bricks (hard copy books)
  • Yoga strap (or a scarf)


75 minutes

Open Yoga 03.11.20 – Integrating to Centre

This is our fourth class in the Embodying Resilience series and we move now to the very centre of ourselves.  When the world around us feels uncertain and chaotic, there are some places we can come to in the body that can act as an anchor, a place of strength and stability.  In a way we are getting to the ‘core’ of things in this class. In this class we will explore how to integrate our limbs to our centre – creating movements that expand from centre and gather towards centre.  With an aim of feeling more connected, more integrated, more whole. Equipment:
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket


75 minutes

Postnatal Pilates 2.11.20

A class for new mums.
This week’s class focusses on shoulders. You may find that feeding and carrying your baby, lifting and carrying their accessories can take its toll on the neck and shoulders. We shall be looking at the importance of good posture to keep our shoulders pain free and healthy.
There are also options given to step it up a bit if you are over 6 months postnatal.
Please do not undertake any exercise, online, in person or recorded without the consent of your GP.
Please use a cushioned Pilates mat or have a blanket handy as padding for wrists, knees, hips etc.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 23.10.20 A Heart Led Practice

This week’s Yoga Gently class is the 3rd is our series exploring embodied resilience.  One place within our body that is always busy working is our heart; connecting to the blood-filled aliveness of this organ offers another way to see how our body supports us.  The area of the body where the heart and lungs reside is also a very spacious area of the body, taking our attention to this area can open us to the spaciousness within, to a sense of abundance.  Expect a class with attention to the muscles of the upper body, warmth and a bit of work to get a sense of blood pumping.  We will finish with a restorative posture to focus on the spaciousness of the ribcage area.  This practice includes mindful strength and so a light resistance band will be useful.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 13.10.20 Rebounding

In the second class in our series exploring building resilience we are exploring the developmental movement pattern of rebound.  Rebounding is that ‘bounce’ we feel when we meet the ground, that little bit of give back that we receive when we yield our weight.  We will explore bounce, uplift and reach in the places where rebound resides – giving us an easier way into our movements.  We can all use a bit of rebound these days!


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 16.10.20 Rebounding

This Yoga Gently practice is the second in our series on Embodying Resilience.  In this practice we will explore the movement pattern of Rebound, finding that little bit of bounce, spring and return from actively yielding.  What happens when we notice the subtle return that occurs every time we actively give weight to the ground?  How does finding a little spring in our simple, gently movements allow us to move more efficiently and with more ease?  And how can these moments of exploring Rebound in the body support us in finding this quality off the mat? For this practice you might want several blankets or a bolster and possible a brick or yoga block.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 02.10.20 A Practice for Seeking Space

This week’s yoga gently class is a class for locating space when things feel restrictive.  Sometimes when we are feeling tight or ?? it can be helpful to locate spacious areas of the body. How can we use our yoga practice to support ourselves in gaining more of a sense of freedom, space and opportunity.  This practice focuses on the thoracic spine ‘space’ thinking about how we can use this area of the body to explore a sense of spaciousness, openness and movement – which may support us in locating these things off the mat.  The yoga gently format has us slowly warming up, doing a few standing postures/movements and then finishing with some restorative yoga.


75 minutes

Open Yoga 29.09.20 Finding Space in Tight Times

This Open Yoga practice is an opportunity to used our awareness of our bodies to find SPACE during these confined times.  We’ve hit the 6-month mark of our time in lock-down/semi-lock down and the 6 month mark is a proven point during difficult times of real shift towards fatigue, loss of interest, a feeling that things will never end.  How can we use our yoga practice to support ourselves in gaining more of a sense of freedom, space and opportunity.  This practice focuses on the thoracic spine ‘space’ thinking about how we can use this area of the body to explore a sense of spaciousness, openness and movement – which may support us in locating these things off the mat.


75 minutes

Yoga Gently 25.09.20 A Simplifying Practice

This week’s yoga gently was an opportunity to keep things simple.  Continuing with the transitioning series, this class looks at how simplifying can bring us great stability during moments of great change.  Seeking out movements to be as easy and simple as possible in a given moment can support finding more clarity in our bodies and perhaps in the choices we make regarding movement.


75 minutes

Open Yoga Welcoming Ourselves Back to Practice (08.09.20)

This live filmed Open Yoga class is our first studio class back after the summer break.  A practice for welcoming yourself back to the mat, for reconnecting to yourself through movement and an opportunity to be present in the moment.  A class slower, more mindful Open Yoga class that allows time to ease back into your yoga practice.


30 Minutes x 5

Morning (Series)

A series of five 30 minutes videos to get you ready for the day ahead. This is the perfect collection of videos to help you create a habit of starting your day with a little yoga – whether you feel like Rising & Shining or Easing Into Your Day, you’ll soon find the benefits of starting each day with some movement. Please note: after being unlocked, this series remains viewable for 10 days


30 Minutes x 5

Sleep (Series)

A series of five 30 minute videos created to support you in ending your day the right way. This series of videos will help you create restful movement and relaxation habits for supporting better sleep. Please note that after being unlocking, the series remains viewable for 10 days


90 Minutes

A Practice for Settling

NEW VIDEO. This restorative practice is one for settling the mind and body.  We often go through our days shifting from being very active, to collapsing without tending to the space between these states.  This practice is for tending to the place between activity and collapse; a place where we can meet rest as rejuvenating and refreshing.  A wonderful practice for finding balance and relaxation.


40 Minutes x 4

Strength (Series)

A series crafted to connect you to your strength.  These videos guide you in building awareness and connection to the strength you already have, and provide supportive ways to progressively develop strength.  Toss aside your traditional notions of strength – welcome the idea that you already possess strength and this is your chance to connect more deeply with it! Please note: after being unlocked, this series remains viewable for 14 days.


75 Minutes x 5

Finding Your Self Practice (Series)

A series created to support you in finding your own yoga self-practice.  Including both Open Yoga and Yoga Gently Classes, these classes aim to help you take the leap from instruction lead classes, to self-guided and self-developed practise.  With a bit of support you can take the step to add your own yoga practice into your daily life. Enjoy the whole series or take the classes that you feel would most support you in building your own practice. Please note: after being unlocked, this series remains viewable for 14 days.


60 Minutes x 4

The Ground We Stand On (Series)

Explore the basic standing postures of yoga and understand how to apply them to your own body. These classes are designed for those who are new to yoga and keen to dive into the basics, as well as experienced practitioners looking for a fresh take on familiar shapes. Please note: after being unlocked, this series remains viewable for 14 days.


45 Minutes

Chair Yoga

This class includes yoga postures as well as movements adapted to a chair, allowing you an opportunity to connect to these shapes/movements in a new way.  At YATB we not only believe in creating accessible ways to connect to yoga, but we believe that movements should be experienced in many different forms.  Seated yoga allows you an opportunity to move in a variety of possibilities – and our bodies can become more resilient/strong/flexible etc if we try movement patterns in lots of different ways.  Expect a practice that is both settling and strong.  Try it as a break from work if you’ve been seated at your desk all day!


75 Minutes

Strength Comes In Many Forms

A class for connecting to and creating strength in the body. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
This is a class for considering how we find stability can create an overall sense of containment and strength in our bodies.  This class will look at ways to move that feel safe, stable and strong – staying within a range of motion that feels strong and supportive (particularly in our joint-spaces).  Though our practice we will be reminded that strength is defined in many ways in the body, just like both the oak tree and the willow tree are strong in their own ways.


75 Minutesa

Managing Transitions

A class to support the ever-tricky transition when changing from one thing to the next (be it a yoga posture or a life change). Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
How can placing our intention on the space in between in our practice support us in times of great change and unrest?  When we slow things down, we might better understand how we’ve gotten to where we are.  What happens when you pause in those in-between places?  What do you become aware of?  How do you initiate movement to travel forward to the next shape/sequence?  In these spaces between maybe you will hear your body a little more clearly, guiding you to the right place for you to be in this moment.


75 Minutes

Noticing The Ground Beneath

A  grounding practise created to support deeper more aware connections to the ground beneath us. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Two yoga bricks
  • Chair (or edge of a bed, sofa etc.)
As we become more aware of the support that the ground provides we are often more able to find space and uplift throughout the body.  Using the concepts of yield to find areas of rebound in the body, moving with more efficiency, spring, vitality and alertness.  The ground can both be a place of support and surrender as well as a place from which we can lift upward, finding more abundance.


30 Minutes

Rest & Reflect (B)

A class for connecting to the calmer side of your nervous system.  Restorative yoga is, as Judith Hansen-Laseter defines it, a practice in active resting. Using some support from things you might find around you house blankets, cushions, towels (or possibly yoga blocks/bricks, bolster or a chair) you will create restorative postures that support you in relaxing and finding calm. Restorative yoga is a wonderfully adaptive practice that can be tailored to people of all ages, all levels of yoga experience, and in many states of health. Restorative classes can help rebalance your mind and body and counteract the effects of chronic stress.
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga Bolster or firm cushion
  • Pillows/cushions


30 Minutes

Rest & Reflect (A)

A class for connecting to the calmer side of your nervous system.  Restorative yoga is, as Judith Hansen-Laseter defines it, a practice in active resting. Using some support from things you might find around you house blankets, cushions, towels (or possibly yoga blocks/bricks, bolster or a chair) you will create restorative postures that support you in relaxing and finding calm. Restorative yoga is a wonderfully adaptive practice that can be tailored to people of all ages, all levels of yoga experience, and in many states of health. Restorative classes can help rebalance your mind and body and counteract the effects of chronic stress.
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga Bolster or firm cushion
  • Pillows/cushions


30 Minutes

Be Kind Unwind (C)

A yoga and movement class to practice before bed. A class to create space for a restful evening/night.  Expect a little gentle/grounded movement and some restorative postures to ease you into a restful place, preparing for sleep.  This practice is accessible with modifications on offer so ANYONE can join in. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga Bolster or firm cushion
  • Pillows/cushions


30 Minutes

Be Kind Unwind (B)

A yoga and movement class to practice before bed. A class to create space for a restful evening/night.  Expect a little gentle/grounded movement and some restorative postures to ease you into a restful place, preparing for sleep.  This practice is accessible with modifications on offer so ANYONE can join in. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga Bolster or firm cushion
  • Pillows/cushions


30 Minutes

Be Kind Unwind (A)

A yoga and movement class to practice before bed. A class to create space for a restful evening/night.  Expect a little gentle/grounded movement and some restorative postures to ease you into a restful place, preparing for sleep.  This practice is accessible with modifications on offer so ANYONE can join in. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga Bolster or firm cushion
  • Pillows/cushions


30 Minutes

Ease Into Your Morning (B)

A class for when you want to take your time in the morning, wake-up, check-in and move with ease.
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga Bolster or firm cushion
  • Pillows/cushions
This 30 minute class allows you time to slowly greet your body in the morning.  A practice for creating awareness of how you might want to move through your morning (and perhaps your day).  Starting the day with some gentle, supportive movements and postures so you can ease into your morning.


30 Minutes

Ease Into Your Morning (A)

A class for when you want to take your time in the morning, wake-up, check-in and move with ease.
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga Bolster or firm cushion
  • Pillows/cushions
This 30 minute class allows you time to slowly greet your body in the morning.  A practice for creating awareness of how you might want to move through your morning (and perhaps your day).  Starting the day with some gentle, supportive movements and postures so you can ease into your morning.


30 Minutes

Rise & Energise (C)

Start your day with a little bounce in your step with this gentle, active class. This 30 minute class allows you the chance to connect and check-in with your body at the start of your day.  Expect a gentle warm up to wake you up and connect followed by more active postures and optional flowing sequences.  A definite class for getting up and going!
  • Yoga mat
  • Blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga block
  • Cushion


30 Minutes

Rise & Energise (B)

Start your day with a little bounce in your step with this gentle, active class. This 30 minute class allows you the chance to connect and check-in with your body at the start of your day.  Expect a gentle warm up to wake you up and connect followed by more active postures and optional flowing sequences.  A definite class for getting up and going!
  • Yoga mat
  • Blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga block
  • Cushion


30 Minutes

Rise & Energise (A)

Start your day with a little bounce in your step with this gentle, active class. This 30 minute class allows you the chance to connect and check-in with your body at the start of your day.  Expect a gentle warm up to wake you up and connect followed by more active postures and optional flowing sequences.  A definite class for getting up and going!
  • Yoga mat
  • Blankets
  • Yoga Bricks
  • Yoga block
  • Cushion


40 Minutes

Part 1. Lower Body

A class for connecting to and building your lower-body strength.   Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
In this class you will begin with a gentle warm-up to get your lower body moving.  Then you will move on to more active movements standing.  Expect a little lunging, a little balancing and optional flowing sequences to get your lower body fired up.


40 Minutes

Part 2. Centre Strength

A class to connect you and building strength at your centre.
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
In this class you will explore MANY movements that connect you to the centre of your body.  The area – often referred to as ‘core’ – is a complicated network, many pathways coming together, intersecting, overlapping.  To find and develop strength here requires doing movements that consider ALL sorts of possibilities. 


40 Minutes

Part 4. All Over Strength

The final class in the Strength Series is a class to support all you’ve developed – a whole body strength class. In this class you will explore lower body, centre and upper body strength and how ALL of our strength relies on integration. How we move, find stability, flexibility, strength relies on the amazing network of muscles, soft tissues, bones, fluids etc of our body working together.  How can we be more aware of our ALL over strength?  Explore how to connect more fully with the strength you already possess!


40 Minutes

Part 3. Upper Body Strength

A class for connecting to and building strength in your upper body.


75 Minutes

Part 6. Finding Trust

This class includes yoga postures as well as movements adapted to a chair, allowing you an opportunity to connect to these shapes/movements in a new way.  At YATB we not only believe in creating accessible ways to connect to yoga, but we believe that movements should be experienced in many different forms.  Seated yoga allows you an opportunity to move in a variety of possibilities – and our bodies can become more resilient/strong/flexible etc if we try movement patterns in lots of different ways.  Expect a practice that is both settling and strong.  Try it as a break from work if you’ve been seated at your desk all day! Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


60 Minutes

Part 4. Finding Centre

In the fourth and final class of this series you look at how to connect to the centre of your body.   A key aspect of a yoga practice is developing more awareness of your body.  In this class we will begin to develop our awareness of the centre of your body.  Consider the image of a starfish, with this 5 pointed structure.  Using this image, you will be invited to explore how your 4 limbs and head thread toward the centre, how your movement in the outer parts of your body are supported by the centre of your body.  In this class you will begin to deconstruct the more basic understandings of ‘core’ in the greater movement world (fitness classes etc) and find ways of creating a more holistic approach to this area of your body. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks or books
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


60 Minutes

Part 3. Getting to Know Our Spines

The third class in this series will explore spinal movements.  This is a class for exploring all the ways you move your spine.  Exploring spinal movements is an important way of getting to know your own body and how it moves.  In this class you will be invited to find accessible ways to move in all directions in our spine.  How can you find more space and strength in forward-folding actions?  How can you find more length and support in backward moving spinal actions?  Moving the spine in all directions is needed – begin to find comfortable pathways in and out of flexion/extension/rotation and lateral bending in your spine so that this movement feels manageable, comfortable and stable.  You will explore these movements in cat/cow posture and standing forward folding postures. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Possibly a chair (or the flat surface of a sofa or piece of furniture to lean on)
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


60 Minutes

Part 2. Hips; Where do They Go (Standing Postures)?

In our second class together you will be invited to explore the movements of your hips. This class will explore the various movements of the hips, rotations both externally and internally.  How can these movements feel better in your bodies and how how can you feel a containment here (stable/strong)?  These rotations are part of many of the standing postures.  You will be invited to explore external hip rotation in warrior II and side-angle postures as well as the standing balancing tree posture. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


60 Minutes

Part 1. Finding Our Feet

A great starting place for your yoga journey.  This is a class for  finding your feet beneath you. The first class of this series centres around the question: how can you utilize the support of your feet meeting the ground to create more stability and strength in your standing postures?  In this class you will explore mountain posture (tadasana), warrior 1 and warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 1 & 3) postures; seeking stability, strength and comfort in all three. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Yoga strap or a scarf
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


75 Minutes

Part 5. Finding Your Practice, Your Intuition

The final class in our ‘Find Your Self-Practice Series,’ is an Open Yoga class created to support you in taking the leap, listening inward and creating your own practice. Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


75 Minutes

Part 4. Finding Your Connection

The fourth class in our ‘Finding Your Self-Practice Series,’ is a Yoga Gently class aimed at developing more connection to your centre.   In this class you will build awareness of the centre area of your body (often called ‘core’).  The centre is a complicated network of muscles and soft tissues that support just about every movement we make.  As we become more aware of how to integrate our movements to and from the centre, we are more able to understand our strength, stability and mobility.  The centre is NOT simply how our belly looks! In this class you will be invited to explore all the possibilities of the centre of you.  Allow your centre to be all it is – complicated, strong, soft, full, supportive . . . allow it to be more than you’ve always believed! Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Several blankets or bath towels
  • Two yoga brick or books
  • A yoga bolster or a firm sofa cushion
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


75 Minutes

Part 3. Finding Strength & Courage

This is the third class in our series for ‘Finding a Self-Practice,’ an Open Yoga class focussing on finding strength and courage in your yoga practice. Starting a self practice requires courage, it is always hard to begin something new.  Practicing without a video or a teacher in front of you is daunting.  Thoughts like, ‘will I do it right’ or ‘what would I even do alone on my mat?’ often stop us from trying.  Self practice is about trusting your body, greeting it where you are and moving from that place.  In this class you will do some mindful strength, allowing an opportunity to connect to your own strength.  You’ll be invited to try out different types of movements, loading in different ways and experimenting with what feels strong or stable in your body. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • One yoga brick or a book
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


75 Minutes

Part 2. Finding Your Balance

The second in our series Finding a Self-Practice looks at noticing when we feel balanced in our practice. This is a Yoga Gently class. How do we know we’re ‘in balance?’  Even the idea of balance can create an imbalance in us.  So how do we find balance?  One way is to gently explore the opposite of balance.  When do we feel out of balance?  Often a sign that something matters greatly to us is accompanied by a lost sense of balance (think of falling in love).  We should not underestimate our wish to lose our balance.  And perhaps it is through losing your balance that you gain more of a sense of what we need in order to feel stable.  In this class this will mean coming in and out of balancing postures and movements in order to know what balance is for you today. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • One yoga brick or a book
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


75 Minutes

Part 1. Finding Your Voice

The first class in the Finding Your Self-Practice Series explores the area around the neck, through, head and upper back.  This is an Open Yoga class. In this class we explore the area of the throat, neck and head – how can we find and keep a sense of space here?  The neck/throat area is the confluence of so many things – muscles, pathways, the spinal cord, trachea, esophagus, major arteries.  And this is often an area we feel tight or stuck.  This practice allows us to know where our head/neck is in location to the rest of our spine or where your head is in location to the space around it.  Often our head movements can get lost as we shift from shape to shape.  Explore what positions your head feels most comfortable?  Spacious?  Supported?  Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • One yoga brick or a book
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


90 Minutes

Finding Balance – Pyjama Party

A deeply relaxing class for finding a bit of balance. Often when we seek balance in the body we strive for something ‘perfect,’ a perfectly balanced shape of feeling in the body.  Often just considering the idea of balance makes us feel imbalanced.  It might be that if we don’t strive for balance but rather stay present to what is, we find a greater sense of stability. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • A good amount of blankets
  • A yoga bolster or a firm sofa cushion
  • Possibly a yoga strap or scarf
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


90 Minutes

Supporting Transitions – Pyjama Party

A class to set up the body for deep rest and relaxation. A class to support you in times of transitions during times of uncertainty or great change. How can we stay present to the subtle shifts occurring within in order to know better how to respond to the changes around us.  Considering the opposites of the body: heaviness/lightness, spaciousness/crowdedness, right/left, up/down – how might we seek a better sense of equanimity, balance and harmony? Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • A good amount of blankets
  • A yoga bolster or a firm sofa cushion
  • Possibly a yoga strap or scarf
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


90 Minutes

Finding Lightness

A class to set up the body for deep rest and relaxation.  A class for finding lightness in our restorative practice.   Summer heat, lockdown, there is a lot around that can bring a sense of heaviness to our bodies.  Sometimes a restorative practise can heighten this sense of heaviness, making you feel even more weighted and tired.  How can you use your restorative practise to find more space and a sense of lightness in the body?  You will explore restorative shapes that bring an element of uplift, ease and leave us feeling resting and perhaps a bit lighter. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • A good amount of blankets
  • A yoga bolster or a firm sofa cushion
  • Possibly a yoga strap or scarf
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


60 Minutes

Creating Ease

A flowing class for locating space and ease in the body. This is a class for creating ease.  Can we find ease within our practise?  Can we allow the experience of yielding to bring us towards more strength, uplift, and efficiency of movement?  There is a lot of pressure currently to be productive, to do more, however, in order to do this, we also need to yield.  We cannot produce out of thin air, we need the support of the ground, the nourishment of rest – to help support us springing into action.  Noticing how yield and rebound support us in our practice may act as a guide for us off the mat.  Instead of doing 100% in this session, see what happens when you do 80%, do a little less and see if more arrives. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


60 Minutes

Connecting To Centre

This is a class is for building awareness and connection to the centre of your body. What does it mean to feel centred?  When you have a sense of your centre – what do you feel or think about it?  Our centre is more than the area of our belly, it is an expansive and complicated area which can be supportive, strong, soft, full – it is one of the places of great stability in our bodies.  The more you build awareness of your centre, the more your centre can support you. Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Two yoga bricks or books
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


60 Minutes

Noticing Rebound

In this flowing class you will be invited to explore the developmental movement pattern of rebound.  In this class you will be invited to explore the effects of yield in our practise through rebound.  The spring, the bounce, the uplift that comes when we have a clear connection to the ground beneath us and clear pathways of movement from the ground up.  In this class, focus on what just arrives in your practice, with less effort.   Really focus on that 20%, what comes after you do a little less, after you find the ground – what is there in return? Possible props needed (but if you do not have them, do not worry, you can still practice):
  • Yoga mat
  • A blanket
  • One yoga brick or book
Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.


75 Minutes

Easing it Out

An open class suitable for all ages and those who have had some prior yoga experience (though beginners are welcome to come and try). A blend of Hatha inspired yoga shapes, some flowing sequences, stretching, mindful strength, embodied anatomy and breath awareness. A great whole-body class. Please note: after being unlocked, this class remains viewable for 48 hours.
