Yielding – Restorative Yoga – Part of the Summer Series Course


In this class we will take 90 minutes in order to deeply settle.  All restorative yoga sessions require the practice of active resting, doing what we feel we can to allow our body to seek/find more comfort in order to better relax.  The question offered in this class, is what might you do in this moment to offer yourself a little more comfort, a little more ease (it may not be being still, you may need quiet movement, or shift out of or away from a posture . . .).  Use this practice to give yourself the needed comfort you may not always have the time to give yourself.

Suggested equipment

  • A yoga mat
  • A few more more blankets
  • A cushion
  • A yoga bolster if you have one
  • A chair (or somewhere you might elevate your legs – a sofa or coffee table)