Yoga Gently 04.03.22 – Rebuilding Strength


In this Yoga Gently class we continue to explore the theme of rebuilding.  With all the transition rebuilding is not about returning to the same us as ‘before’ but taking stock of where we are now and beginning to consider what we might want in the future – be it by the end of the class, the end of a movement sequence or perhaps the end of the year . . .

In this class we focus on the various ways we can experience our muscles, looking to redefine what ‘muscle strength’ really is and means for us.

What to expect: gentle yoga movements, gentle mindful strength sequences and restorative yoga postures.

Suggested equipment:

  • Yoga mat
  • Two bricks
  • Resistance band
  • blanket(s)
  • bolster (or firm cushions)