Yoga Gently 30.04.21 – Feeling a deeper connection to centre


This Yoga Gently class is part one of a series on Finding Presence in our Practice.  In this practice we will explore integration – bring our limbs more into connection with the centre of the body.  How can our ‘centre’ strength/stability help us to find more strength/stability in the limbs of our body? How can the centre support us in moving with more ease and connection?  How can we feel more ‘centred’?

Expect gentle movements, some standing practice and some restorative yoga.  This practice has some work on our knees, so if you are working with knee ‘stuff’ or injury please listen to how you are feeling and know there are modifications to find other ways to explore the movements.

Suggested equipment

  • Yoga mat
  • Two yoga bricks (if you don’t have them do not worry)
  • Stack of blankets (2-3 or more)
  • Yoga bolster if you have it