Yoga Gently: Anandamaya Kosha practice 17.12.21


In this practice we explore the final layer of the kosha model – anandamaya kosha loosely translated as the ‘bliss’ layer.  There is something worth exploring here amongst the busy-ness and hustle of our everyday life, that this layer may be a part of us that is at peace, even amongst the outer stresses of life.  That there may be times in our practice when we catch brief glimpses of this state of being ‘ok’ or ‘enough.’  From an embodied anatomy perspective this layer might resemble something of cellular consciousness – the inner workings of the cells which require no effort from us.

Expect a class of gentle movement followed by two restorative postures.

Suggested equipment:

  • yoga mat
  • stack of blankets
  • yoga bricks x2
  • yoga bolster (if you have one)
  • a yoga strap